Hii Frndz.....
I've taken my infy exam on19thNov,2006. I'm a 2006 passout in EEE. I got mail frm infy to attend the exam on
29th Oct. Guys by now all might've known dat the pattern has changed frm puzzles to CAT type one,, when u get
mail in dat it will be mentioned dat the duration of test is for 75min..... so frm dat its clear dat the pattern changed...I
clearly knew dat i'll be getting the new pattern......so guys stop mugging all the puzzles and start concentrating on the
new patten which mainly tests ur speed n accurcy.........
Duration of TEST is :
1/2 hr for filling the application,
LOGICAL - 30min 30Que ( 6 main que each hving 5 sub que)
VERBAL - 30min 40Que ( 2 long RC's - 10 Que,,Sentence completion,,Finding correct sentence of two..)
For this section my advice is you take any CAT material like TIME n finish chapters like DATA SUFFICIENCY,
reasoning R.S.Agarwal......In this along with the above chapters cover finding next figure after the series i.e,,
Visual logic based on pictorial figures......
Our paper had almost same as above given...
A cubiod of dimension 6*5*7cm is painted with red on two opposite faces,,,green on other two opp faces n soe
other colour on other two faces n finally its is cut into small cubes of 1*1*1 size........
a) Find how many 3faced small cubes with some colour....
b)Two side painted cubes...
c)One side painted
d)No side painted
e)some other que .....I'm justing giving an idea about the que....a bit tough
Que 2 :
Find next picture from the series.....VISUAL LOGIC...5 diff sub que eac of different series....
Que 3 :
Que on DATA SUFFICIENCY..One que will b asked n below dat two statements will be given u should answer
wheather the given que can b asked with only 1st statement or with only second statement or using both or can't b
answered with neither of the que..
Que 4 :
Que on DATA INTERPRETATION ,, two line graphs are given comparing the sales n costs of three different products
of a company n que's based on these graphs.
Que 5 :
This a logical puzzles,,6diff people Sharma,Aiyar,Johar,Prasad,Tendulkar,Dravid r living in 6diff flats of a 3-storyed
apptment.....some 9conditions are given married,,unmaried,,no:of children,,their profession and 5 diff que are asked
based on these like to find who stays in top floor,,no of children of some guys n their profession etc.....
Que 6 :
Que on LOGICAL DEDUCTION .....this one is the easy of all....like...All cats r dogs,,Alldogs r pigs n find the
conclusion....like this 5different ques r given...
So guys in LOGICAL mainly u've to b very quick since therz only 30min n most of them r time consuming....no
negative mrking so don't leave any que also u should workout all que on rough sheet.......
Simple section but u should b very quick also they give more importance to ur verbal than ur logical section....
30min 40que...
2 very lengthy RC's about one n half page each,,,,,finally each passage having 5direct que.....very time taking ....so
practise to read newspaper fastly......
que on finding correct sentence,,,sentence completion etc very easy....tenses n preposition type....
I did grammatical que first n went to passages where i could complete only one....so manage ur time well.
I finished my exam by 11:30 n results were announced at 3:00 ,,, out of about 1200 students they shortlisted 96 for
interview round n by god's grace my name was there n was called 4 interview the next day....
IN interview round first u'll b heading for ur marks verification......Our interview had two rounds...Both r mostly HR
some were asked to leave after 1st round n others were sent to nxt round..
Inmy round they asked me about my project and then asked me to speak on any topic of my choice 4 one min(in
some panels interviewers gave the topic),, here they'll see ur english speaking skills n ur depth in the topic u've
choosen...I spoke well,,n nxt they asked me two puzzles n i answered one correctly n attempted other,here they'll see
how u approch the puzzle rather than the answer.,,,, n one case study was asked n i answerd pretty welll...thatz it...then
i left te pnel after thanking them,,after few min i ws called for second round it was just a formal cool talk with HR like
on ur hobbies,,family background,,strengths weakness etc.....
So i ws done wid my interview n was told that my result will b intimated through mail within 4weeks,,,so guys plz
pray 4 me.....
One main i would like to say about the changed pattern is b flexible n change ur mindset frm puzzles,,n pray to god....
ALL THE BEST 4 everyone.....
hi this is anurag , pune
i have given infosys test today.. it was easy but lengthy.. i had cleared that n my interview is on 28 nov.(pray for me
in logical they had given
1-5> question on cube of 10 cm side each cutted into 1000 cubes of 1cm side each.
cubes on edges were coloured with blue colour n inner side wer colred with black colour
rest are non coloured.. then q's like ... how many are blue coloured?
how many r black coloured?.... how many r non- coloured? such wer d q's
then q's wer on missing view out of 5 ... mostly from rs agrawal (verbal n non verbal) .... easy
some q's wer on data sufficiency... mostly easy but confusing
ven digrams
data intrprt.. hard
puzzle on cricket..like
five players r stylish,perfactionist,technically sound, n so on
if gaveskar need to give advise whome should he give...
... it was easy
english was easy ...but lengthy
2 passeges 1 on GATT other i dont rememeber but lengthy... i have done flukes
be prepared with prepositions,articals, subject verb aggriment, tenses.... wren n martin is good
santence replacement... easy
best of luck to all
n pray for me
hi all of u.
I appeared for infy test on 26th of nov.exam was not that tough.but ya they hav realy made d english paper tough.its
really hard to manage d time.if some people r worrying which pattern they r going to face jus ont worry take a close
look at ur cal letter if they hav mentioned that it is of 75 min then its going to be new pattern way.
My advice to all of u frnz is that go through CAT material(any coaching classes).Jus made aquinted urself with 5
1) Data Sufficiency
2) Datat Interpretation
3) missing or series figures(Lots of given in rs agg...verbal book)
4) Puzzles from rs aggrawal (do all d types)
5) Syllogism(cat Material n rs aggrawal).
I m Stressing this pt once again go through cat material it will really help u to manage ur time n also u will be
famalirised with tough n variety of prblems as compare to rs aggr..specially in case of data interpretation n data
sufficiency n syllogism alsoand ya jus give two min to urself to go through d paper n to decide a strategy u should
knoe in which part u r more strong nn also should be able to guess easy qs n solve them first.n for english it is like a
mini cat.I cleared d exam n paper was like this.
Logical 30 q -45 min
1-5> question on cube of 10 cm side each cutted into 1000 cubes of 1cm side each.
cubes on edges were coloured with blue colour n inner side wer colred with black colour
rest are non coloured.. then q's like ... how many are blue coloured?
how many r black coloured?.... how many r non- coloured? such wer d q's
quite time consuming. i tried it at last.
5-10> Missing figure q's(3 were easy)rest were tough
10-15>data sufficiency
little bit confusing but can be easily done in 6 to 8 min.Eg. Is a/16>a/10 two cond were given.go through cat
15-20>data interpretation d most easiest(hardly 4 min)
technology power prodn ... ....
india 95 90 70
uk 90 80 85
germany 80 85 90
india 0.5
uk 0.4
germany 0.8
calculate d heighst ppf.ans=95*0.5 +90*0.5+70*0.5 such a easy q offcourse they have made some twist n turns in
asking other q but was realy v easy
20-25> again a simple puzzle rs agg type
sachin plays offensive .neither shastri nor kambli technicaly sound,dravid plays cover drive well n some oither such
cond were given.u have to fiind out which player plays which shot best n his style of playing.was not that tough
(hardly 3 to 4 min)n q were asked upon it .q will take some 3 to 4 min.
25-30> not as simple found in rs aggrawal takes some time well confusing have many diagrams to show.show it in ur
rough sheet.again go through cat material.
wel thats abt logical.show d rough work wherever possible.
two long passages(1 n half page )10qs on it
10 q on sentence correction
10 q were on critical reasoning
10 q were grammar
u can be caught of if u mark al d q in logical as u hav to show rough work but no probs in english paper at d
last moment mark randomly no negative marking.
My interview was v cool(27 th).they havent ask ny tech not even abt my project.my strenth
weaknesse(bePrepared to explain it with eg will always help u)2 puzzles .1 was from shankutla i have done it before.n
thefore i solved it correctly he then asked whether i have done it before i said yes never lie.tumhare bap hote hai is
mamle me woh hahah.n then he ask me what u can u do with this tie other than this i told him.(4 things he asked).My
reading habits,which page(newspaper, i said newspaper) u read it first.n then he asked if i have ny q to be asked i asked
them abt d growth of indivisual n general talking.n then they said to me d results will be out within 3 weeks plzplz frnz
pray for me.hope this will help u.....success is where preparation n opportunity meet.so best of luck frnz for ur prep ....
hi Frendz,i attended infy exam on 19th nov in delhi
the pattern has totally changed.It consists of 30 questions and time limit is 45 minutes.So now u just need to follow RS
Aggarwal verbal and non verbal book.
And make sure that u improve ur speed as it takes a lot of time for those who r nt prepard 4 new pattrn
The paper consists of
-5 ques based on data sufficiency
-5 ques based on data interpretation
-5 ques based on series(some pictures are given,u hv to find out the next in the series)
-5 ques based on some data given
-5 ques like all books are cooks and some cooks are fools like that(u can find this in rs aggarwal)
-5 ques sorry i forgot
English was very easy and intervw was also coool.there might be 2 rounds 4 some ppl.bt dnt worry they dnt ask much
in the 2nd round
just remain cool and keep smiling and confident
u just need to improve ur speed
i wish all the best to all who have to take the test in near future
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